My Personality and
Learning Style

My Results from Personality and Learning Tests

My results from the Myers-Briggs Test.

My results from the Education Planner Learning Style Test.

My results from the Big 5 Personality Test.

Discussion of These Results

To me, these results provide a decent general indicator of the type of person and learner that I am. I agree with Myers-Briggs test as me being more on the introverted side than extroverted, without it being a total landslide. However, the 71% Judging score on the other hand felt a bit overboard, as I see myself being quite open minded rather than judgemental. I am in agreement with the learning style test, as I do find hands-on style learning such as visual and tactile forms much easier to digest rather than just hearing words. As for the Big 5 test, my lower score in extroversion matches results of the first test, whilst also providing an accurate reading in my emotional stability and agreeableness.

These results would influence my behaviour in a team environment in a number of ways. I think my agreeableness is a positive factor about me. When working in a group, it is so important to have the ability to meet halfway or make compromises with fellow group members. If not, a clash between members can occur which hinders the overall workflow of the entire group and the final submission. Hence, my ability to be agreeable I think is a positive feature, however I do also have the ability to disagree with others and provide my input within a team to provide the best possible outcome. I also believe that my constant search for improvement will be a beneficial feature for my group, as I will always put my best effort into my role within the group but also try to get that out of others too.

When forming a team, these results will come into effect with the members I will want to work with. Furthermore, I will require group members who possess good communication skills and have a willingness to provide their best effort possible in order to get a good result from the assignment. As my results from the two personality related tests demonstrate, I am a highly conscientious and thoughtful individual. To me, this suggests that I will struggle to work around people who do not fulfill their role in the team and do not think about fellow members.

Key Points Taken from these Tests

  • I think things out
  • Prefer to learn hands-on
  • Creative and Imaginative
  • On the introverted side