My Project
The project idea that I am proposing is a mobile application designed for businesses working within healthcare. Businesses such as dentists, physiotherapists and general practitioner clinics are amongst those who require a checking in system as their patients arrive for their appointments. In the COVID times that we live in, these clinics are also required to track who enters the premises at what time. Hence, my project idea lies in creating an application whereby patients are required to answer a list of COVID screening questions. However, not only will this application provide evidence for the business to confirm that these individuals cleared themselves from having COVID, but it will also work as a checking in system. This is useful for a number of reasons, including minimal person-to-person contact between patients/reception staff and also a smoother checking in system for patients as well.
The motivation behind this is because I work in a clinic which currently utilises a QR code system, where the patient scans the QR code on the door, answers the questions and then enters the building being signed in by a receptionist. To me, this system seemed inefficient to stop the spread of the virus, as patients would congregate at the door all trying to scan the QR code, and the waiting room would fill up. Hence, with a system where all this is completed through an app, the employer could even opt for patients to ONLY remain in their car and be called once they are ready to be seen. With the US already past 30 million cases of COVID with over 500,000 deaths, it is clear that COVID has affected many people one way or another. Although the COVID situation in Australia has toned down, internationally in countries such as the US or England, this could both slow the spread of the virus and keep businesses running optimally.
This application would work via a download through the App Store or Google Play Store. Upon opening up the app, the person will be on a page to create an account for the application. This will require details such as their first name, last name, email address and phone number. Once created, patients will be on the Home page of the application, that will have a button to enter would await an SMS message from the clinic that they are attending, with a unique code that they then input into the application to be given access to a list of COVID screening questions. The reason for the app to be designed this way is to prevent people creating fake identities and checking in to random clinic they do not have appointments for.
The list of COVID screening questions will include questions to confirm that they do not have any COVID symptoms, have not travelled from any COVID hotspots, are not awaiting COVID test results or have not come into contact with a COVID positive individual. This provides proof that a business has done what they can to prevent the spread of the virus and will also serve as a checking in system for receptionists. An option could also be chosen whereby the patient can choose to wait in their car, or in the waiting room (these things are dependent on the COVID situation in that given area). Once the patient's appointment has concluded, they will be prompted to press the check out button on their phone, which confirms that the patient has now exited the building.
This data of the patients' entering times, exiting times and question responses will all be stored into a table, order by time. If a patient has responded to the screening question undesirably (such as that they do have symptoms or have come into contact with a COVID positive person), the patient will be notified via the app that permission to enter the clinic has been disapproved and must get a COVID test. The clinic will also be informed of this patient, so they can choose to call the individual and guide them on what to do next.
From the business' perspective, they will receive a notification that a patient has checked in, and checked out, providing a time window of every individual, a great feature for COVID tracking individuals. On top of this, it also provides effective flow for the business, to be able to easily see who is coming in and out of the building or who is waiting in their cars. This application will save both time and lives for businesses and patients.
In terms of tools and technologies, this application will require an app developing software such as the MIT App Inventor. It was also requiring a relatively powerful PC, as several pieces of data and processes will need to be ran simultaneously during test of the app. An iPhone and Android phone will also be required to test the app across both operating systems. Software such as Photoshop would be required to design the visual appearance of the App, such as its home screen icon, its menu interface and the style of the buttons.
A number of skills will be required to complete this project. Knowledge to write code to create the app will of course be necessary. However, a background in graphic design will also be need, as its vital to make the app as easy to use as possible and also easy to read, as a wide demographic of people will be utilising this application. Having skills in networking would also be useful for this application, as the data that is recorded on the app must be accessible to the employer/clinic, hence the setup of a server may be required. Realistically, it should be feasible to find people who have the skills required to build this app. The app is not particularly complex, so finding the right software and team to make a tangible product should be achievable.
If successful, this product will be dramatically helpful to those nations who have been stuck the worst by COVID. It will allow for appointment-based businesses in healthcare all around the world to run optimally, while also protecting both the workers and patients. With some countries reporting a 40 per cent decline in cancer cases at the peak of COVID-19 (Ijzerman and Emery, 2020), it is obvious that people have been deterred from going to their GP, due to the strong advice of staying home where possible. With the creation of the app, I would hope it removes this mental barrier that is stopping people from getting potentially life-threatening diagnoses. With the implementation of this app, it will lower the stigma around seeking medical help for things OTHER than COVID. By creating a minimal person-to-person contact environment and easier maintenance of person capacity limits in buildings, this application could really help people.